Featured image for How Many Presents Should Santa Bring, Why Did I Do it Wrong For So Long

How Many Presents Should Santa Bring, Why Did I Do it Wrong For So Long?

As a new parent with Christmas right around the corner, a lot of you may be wondering how many gifts should come from the big guy and how many from mom and dad. In short for everyone who doesn’t want to read my story and explanation the answer is a minimum of one great gift…

featured image for The 5 Finest Baby Care Play Mat Available

The 5 Finest Baby Care Play Mat Available

When you bring your brand-new baby home you want everything to be clean and safe. You need a place for your little one to play, tumble, and eventually learn how to crawl. This area needs to be safe and guard your baby from harm. The answer is a cushioned play mat. This mat will offer…

Featured image for How to Make Money on Teespring post

How to Make Money on Teespring

Whether you want to purchase a cool T-shirt or design some to sell to others, the hotspot on the internet for T-shirts seems to currently be Teespring. If you have ever wondered things like, how do people actually make money or Teespring, can you start your own e-commerce business on Teespring, or can you really…

Featured image for Why Parents Shouldn't Take Away Phones at Night post

Why Parents Shouldn’t Take Away Phones at Night

If you want to start a lively discussion among parents, then just bring up the subject of cell phones. It seems everyone has an opinion about everything, from when you should give your child their first phone to how you should manage their time using electronics. One of the biggest questions that tend to come…

Featured image for How To Start Your Own Car Wash post

How To Start Your Own Car Wash

Are you thinking about starting your own business? Would you like to start a business that won’t take you away from your family 20 hours a day? If so, a car wash is a great business option. People will always need to wash their cars, and you can hire people so you can be home…

Featured image for How Much Should Parents Give for Wedding Gift? post

How Much Should Parents Give for Wedding Gift

So Your Child is Getting Married?      The wedding of your child is a complex event. You are most likely happy about your child finding the love of their life (assuming you don’t hate their future spouse). You are sad that your child is leaving the nest, but most of all, you are anxious about the…

Featured image for How to Start a Pet Sitting Business post

How to Start a Pet Sitting Business

After training your dog and realizing how rewarding it was, you are ready to start a pet sitting business. As pet care services have doubled in the last decade, getting into pet sitting is a fantastic career opportunity. Also, as these jobs can either be a side hustle or your main gig, they set you…

Featured image for flexible employment through platforms like upwork and taskrabbit post

Flexible Employment through platforms like Upwork and Taskrabbit

Once you become a dad, your workload triples. Family life becomes an around-the-clock responsibility and your most important job. There’s nothing greater than hanging with the family and putting smiles on those little faces, but every man needs to earn a paycheck as well. Who else is going to cover those Lunchables and field trips…

Featured image for Why Is it My Child Repeats Everything I Say? post

Why Is it My Child Repeats Everything I Say?

Children love to repeat everything we say. It can be cute and endearing at first, but as they get older and more verbal, this habit can become more challenging—sometimes annoying and frustrating. Remember that TV show Kids Say the Darndest Things?  They do indeed. How many times has your child repeated back what you said…

Featured image for Kids will be kids post

Kids will be kids

Suppose you grew up in a strict household or a home where a kid must take on unusual responsibility for a child, as I did. In that case, you could certainly understand this saying. But, unfortunately, some parents feel it is a “get out of jail free card” for kids.  However, I was fortunate to…