First Trimester Massage, Can You Use This to Relax

  • By: admin
  • Date: May 26, 2022
  • Time to read: 6 min.

The first trimester is an emotional and risky part of the pregnancy. This will create stress and worry for new parents who are unsure about…… well everything when it comes to pregnancy. One of the questions I have seen asked, is it safe to get a first trimester massage. Below you will find what I have uncovered through researching the topic for you and my personal experience with having 4 children.(My wife had them I was holding her hand)

What Does the Science Say About First Trimester Massage

The simple answer is that there is currently no study or research that ties massage in the first trimester to miscarriage. There is a lot of massage therapists who will not perform a massage on people who are in early pregnancy. What there is some proof of is that laying on your belly while getting a massage while pregnant can start to become an issue but that’s usually after you are past the first trimester.

The internet is a great source of information but even on great sites like mine you never know how accurate the data is. It is always a good idea to ask your doctor before you try anything to insure you have the information right from the medical source. This is especially true if you are spotting or in a high risk pregnancy.

Top Benefits of a Massage for a Pregnant Mom

Image of a women stressed

Of course, the first benefit for a pregnant mom when getting a first trimester massage is, well it feels good. If a pregnant mom is happy and comfortable well a soon to be dad’s life gets a little easier. Although comfort is probably the reason people are curious if you can get a massage there are many other benefits which are listed below.

  • Helps to reduce the swelling which is common during pregnancy
  • Bye bye headache
  • A sore back can go away
  • Building stress will wash away
  • Worried about blood clots well massage can help
  • Can help you sleep like a baby….well pre baby
  • Feeling unloved and depressed, sometimes all you need is a loving touch
  • Gives your husband a way to help and be involved

What About Miscarriages

The simple answer is no, the majority of the information that is available says there is nothing that ties getting a first trimester massage to miscarriages. If you are looking for some detailed studies Romper has a good write up that I don’t want to plagiarize, so check it out. On the other hand, there is a lot of information out there trying to link stress to miscarriages, although there isn’t a proven study that I could find that tied the two.

What’s Safe to Massage and What to Avoid During the First Trimester

My wife usually knew exactly what I needed to massage. From what I remember the key areas were feet and back. she never asked me to rub her belly but just like every other stranger, you meet I would put my hand there anyway.

When you are pregnant, I have no idea why everyone feels like it is ok to touch your belly. It’s like a magnet to strangers and husbands. I think it is like a puppy it just makes you want to pet it. From what I have researched it’s ok to massage just about any place but I have seen warnings to stay away from massaging the belly.

For some reason, I remember my wife always wanted me to use one of these scalp massagers. Not sure why but she would sit there using this thing all the time. I guess it just released stress for her.

There are many issues you can find with how to position yourself while getting a first trimester massage. It is not recommended for you to lay on your belly while getting a massage. Obviously, this is because you will be putting unwanted pressure on the baby.

It’s the same as the doctors recommending you to not sleep on your belly while pregnant. There are a few write ups on how the blood flow from sitting up while getting massaged is not optimal. This one seems a little strange to me since you are sitting up most of the time.

What is the Best Position for Getting a First Trimester Massage

a massage table for a first trimester massage on pregnant women

The best position to be in for a first trimester massage is laying on your side. This will not put pressure on your baby and it will not put you in positions that may affect blood flow.

Considering how fatigued mothers are during the first trimester laying down is always a good idea. As a husband, this is a great position too. We can lay down being lazy while rubbing your back. Of course, my favorite reason for husbands is that it gives us a chance in our mind to win some loving points…… which is also relaxing and good for stress relief.

I have seen a massage table for pregnant women if you did want to lay on your belly. I put an image I found on Pinterest here for you to see. I just thought it was interesting but as a husband, I couldn’t see putting out the money for one. I would rather stick with laying on your side and flipping over.

Can I massage my legs during first trimester

This is another question I have seen asked. Again from what I can tell it is perfectly safe to massage your legs during first trimester. Just like any other area you want to avoid putting direct pressure on the belly or anywhere that may be tender. You may have some swelling in your legs so a light massage could help with that as well.

I think my wife asked me to rub her legs and feet at least once per day during her pregnancy. So after 4 babies being born I will say they all turned out fine. Again don’t trust websites ask your doctor for any of these types of questions.

How Important is Being Relaxed During Pregnancy

Being relaxed during pregnancy reduces stress. From what I have seen it seems like a good idea for the mother and baby to be relaxed.

Think about it this way, when you are stressed out your body is in fight or flight mode. This means your body is not going to be able to function as well as it could. It also means the baby is not going to get what it needs since the body is not working optimally.

So if you can find ways to relax and reduce stress do it. I think first trimester massage is a great way for both mother and baby to relax. Not only does it help with stress but it can help with some first trimester symptoms.


Being pregnant and expecting a new baby should be a joyful time of your life. There will be so many things happening to your body and mind. Find good sources of information and don’t let every little thing stress you out. People have been raising babies for a long time and none of us had a clue when we first started.

Don’t spend all day trying to research what bad thing can happen and just enjoy it. Your body will tell you if something is wrong beyond a doubt. So if you are uncomfortable and need a first trimester massage well go get one.

At your next doctor’s appointment ask them about it to ease your mind. If you are already worried about the future and things like which diapers to buy check out our review on diapers HERE.

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