Marriage Pro and Cons, are You Ready

  • By: admin
  • Date: June 7, 2021
  • Time to read: 5 min.

The question of whether or not to get married is one that terrifies many people. Marriage can be a great thing, but it also comes with some downfalls. For every person who says they’re struggling in their marriage, there’s another couple who say theirs is perfect. Here are the marriage pro and cons based on what I know about them so far!

What are the advantages of marriage

Image of wedding rings

There are many financial advantages to marriage, which is one of the main reasons why this institution persists. For example, married couples can file taxes jointly and enjoy a number of tax breaks that single people cannot get on their own. They even receive a break on car insurance.

The health benefits of marriage are numerous. Studies have shown that married individuals experience better physical and mental well-being than single counterparts, with lower rates of depression and higher life expectancy on average.

Marriage has many benefits, one being emotional support. Knowing that someone will be there for you through thick and thin can help to decrease the number of depression cases because people are less lonely when they have a loving partner or spouse by their side.

My favorite pro of marriage is that it’s fun.  I know that may not seem like a lot, but it is the fun times together with your spouse and family that make life worth living. Marriage is a lot of hard work, but it’s worth the effort for your spouse. Even Netflix is more fun when watching it with your spouse.

Finally, marriage is a great decision for people who plan on having children in the future because of the financial benefits and legal rights that come from being married. For me getting home from work and having the kids pile on my lap while the wife gives me a smile….. well it makes it all worth wild.

What are the Downsides to Getting Married

image of a bride walking away

Marriage can be expensive. You have to buy a house or an apartment. You need furniture and other stuff like that. The list goes on and on but the gist is, it’s expensive. For example, I just paid over $4,000 bucks to remove two trees off of my property. I remember when trees would have never made my list of worries. 

Some people are not looking for a lifetime commitment, they just want to have fun, and marriage is too serious for that kind of relationship.  Marriage can be a lot of work. It’s not just about the honeymoon, it’s about everyday life and making sure that your spouse is happy from morning to night.

I’m at an age where I don’t want someone around me all the time telling me what to do when most people my own age are looking for their freedom. If you are feeling this way maybe it’s too soon.  Marriage is a big decision and it should not be taken lightly.

Wondering if you are ready for one partner for the rest of your life? It’s a big commitment and if you are not ready for it, then I would suggest waiting. Marriage is about love and is something to take seriously because there will be consequences if things go wrong in that lifetime commitment.

Inlaws will now be your family Since you are now married and in a new relationship with someone, that means they will become part of the family too. You may not have to worry about spending holidays alone anymore because this person is now your partner for life.  With these things come an emotional attachment which can be good or bad depending on how it’s dealt with. So in a nutshell, before you get married realize you are getting married to mom and dad too.

What would be the three most important things in a marriage

1) Fidelity: This is a big one and when it doesn’t happen, the marriage usually falls apart. As you may have heard in some infidelity statistics most are men cheating on their wives with an affair or a mistress (22%), while women cheat too but less often than that of males.

2) Intimacy: Seems like this should be the one that is most important because it’s supposed to keep a couple together. But intimacy actually ends up being a challenge in many marriages and can require work on both of their parts for it to happen naturally with regularity (a good amount of sex). This may seem strange to newlyweds but wait until you have a few rug rats running around.

3) Respect: There will be stress while being married and the key is to not let yourself go down the road of disrespecting each other. This can be hard, but it can make the difference in making a marriage last.

It is advisable that you have these three major components of your relationship before getting married because they are important towards success or failure. Marriage will not always be perfect but as long as you work to make it better for yourself and the person you are with then there is hope.

Is marriage necessary in life

Marriage is a sacred institution. It’s a 24/7 commitment, in sickness and in health until death do you part. It should be something that you work for your whole life to achieve because it’s supposed to make you happy. At least that’s what we’ve been told by society, but are they right? The why are you reading about marriage pro and cons?

If I just want to have someone at the end of the day who will love me unconditionally, then no marriage isn’t necessary in life. The person you choose doesn’t have to know your every move or like all of the things you like; they just need to love you. Marriage isn’t for everyone but to me it is 100% worth it. After over 15 years I find myself falling more in love everyday. This is even on them days when we don’t agree on something that’s very important that day.


I think this is a great way to look at the decision of whether or not to get married. The pros are good, but there’s always going to be some cons that come with it as well. It’s important that you take both points into consideration before making any big decisions! There are many financial changes, emotional differences, and future plans that will change when you decide to tie the knot. Thanks for taking a look at our marriage pro and cons post and we hope it helped you think through some things. No matter which way you go good luck with it!

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