Political Correctness; Issues From a Dad’s Perspective

  • By: admin
  • Date: October 7, 2021
  • Time to read: 7 min.

Political correctness is a hot topic right now. There’s been an ongoing discussion on what language should be deemed as offensive or appropriate, and whether or not it should be banned.

This article will explore the consequences of banning things like funny words and phrases- how it distracts and destroys our society. Being a father of four I am consistently corrected on what I can and can’t say and why. I am constantly redirected and told that what I say is wrong.

It really does get old. Every day I need to learn a new way to say or describe something because a small group of people finds everything offensive.

Spending all this time learning new words and phrases distracts from my main goal, I have a family to raise.

I come home every day tired from work and just want to relax, but a funny word in a song, TV show, or even in my own thoughts is causing me mental stress when I should be enjoying the few minutes of free time I have with my family.

It’s difficult when you have small children to sit down and enjoy something funny without being told they shouldn’t laugh at that joke it might offend someone somewhere in this big massive world we live in. Parents who notice their child laughing at something funny find themselves quickly shushing them and changing the channel because they’re afraid of what people think of them if they let their kids laugh at funny things.

As we continue to become more and more focused on what people will think, we destroy the funny and the joy in our society. We lose ourselves because we’re afraid of hurting people’s feelings. People need to toughen up and be able to understand that’s it’s okay if someone is offended by something funny or not preferred, they can’t control how you feel about what you say but only how YOU feel about what you say. I would like everyone to take a moment and look back at history- leaders who were determined enough as individuals found the power within themselves, instead of trying to find power over others as so many modern-day politicians do. They shaped the world we live in today with their own strong beliefs, not by being so concerned with who was offended and how they were going to be perceived.

I believe in a society where things aren’t banned, the world is filled with ideas and not issues. People need to be able to speak their minds without worrying about getting censored every five seconds. I want my children to grow up with a sense of humor and a strong belief in themselves, not a weak belief they have to change for everyone else.

What is political correctness and why does it matter

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Political correctness is a recent term that denotes language and conduct which avoids giving offense or shows sensitivity to the feelings of others on the regulation of speech and behavior. It should not matter if we offend someone or not. If it does, they should be able to deal with their own emotions and discuss all topics. Seriousness has flooded everyone’s minds as we become more serious about everything, people can’t just take things as they come anymore. It’s hard to find funny words anymore without somebody freaking out about what you’re saying. We need to take a step back and really think about where this is all going for us as people, we can’t just let everything become so taboo because it may offend someone.

Political correctness is an issue in modern-day society because it’s starting to become censored, funny things are getting banned and people can’t do certain things anymore without feeling like they’re hurting someone else. People need to be able to handle their own emotions and mental stress when they’re faced with something that isn’t meant to be taken seriously at all times. We should no longer take into account what other people think of us when we say or do things, it’s a distraction from the real world where we actually have something more important going on- our children’s lives for example. In order for us as parents to raise successful children, we need free thought and open discussion.

If we can’t have that anymore because people are too afraid of others’ opinions or hurting someone’s feelings, how are we supposed to achieve any goals as a society? Being politically correct is an issue because it deters us from actually achieving anything meaningful. It takes all the fun out of life and replaces it with serious discussions on who may be offended by what you say instead of really getting to the issues.

As parents, we should teach our children how to not only address their thoughts but share them freely without worrying about offending everyone along the way. We want our children to grow up into confident individuals. Obviously, I’m not saying to just tell people things to hurt them but we should feel comfortable having real conversations and not being attacked for a word to kill the conversation.

What are the characteristics of political correctness?

I believe that there are certain characteristics that people identify with political correctness. It is an issue in society because it is causing people to censor themselves, funny things are being banned all the time, and people are too afraid of what other people think about their actions. As parents, we want our children to be confident individuals so it is not a good idea to tell them what they can’t do. We want our children to have free-thinking and open discussions without worrying about offending others.

There are many things that could be said about something like political correctness which would make it seem like it’s not a good thing for society. One may argue that it deters us from actually achieving anything meaningful.

Another thing to consider is who controls what gets censored and why do people think it’s a right to never be offended? If you were to ask me that question, I would definitely say that it causes a distraction from the real world where we have more important things going on. In order for us as parents to raise successful children, we need free thought and open discussion.

To summarize everything about political correctness, it is an issue in society because it is causing people to censor themselves, things are being banned all the time because for some reason no one is allowed to ever be offended, and people are too afraid of what other people think about their actions. As parents, we want our children to be confident individuals so it is not a good idea to tell them what they can’t do. We want our children to have free-thinking and open discussions without worrying about using the wrong word.

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What does being politically correct mean

Being politically correct means being sensitive to the needs and opinions of others in conversation. It is not often clear where it stops, because people are always finding something new that can be seen as offensive. There are certain characteristics that people identify with political correctness. It deters us from actually achieving anything meaningful and it is an issue in society because it is causing people to censor themselves all the time, and people are too afraid of what other people think about their actions. This creates confusion on what is important. Things like debate and questioning are killed because challenging the norm may offend someone or a group. In the end, the people who are the censor police today will find themselves being censored tomorrow.

What is the goal of political correctness?

The goal of political correctness is to remove language and symbols that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate. Contrary to what some might think, this does not mean protecting people from embarrassment, but rather controlling them. Unless we allow for the free flow of ideas and discussion, we will never fully understand each other and advance as a society.

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What does the term politically incorrect mean

Politically incorrect is a term that is used for people or situations that are seen as being offensive. It is usually used to describe things that are rude, insensitive, or embarrassing.


This article has explored how political correctness can be a distraction in society. The goal of PC is to remove language and symbols that could be deemed offensive or inappropriate, but this does not mean protecting people from embarrassment- it means controlling them. Unless we allow for the free flow of ideas and discussion, we will never fully understand each other and advance as a society.

As parents, our children should have confidence without being censored by what they are allowed to say! We want our children to have free-thinking and open discussions without worrying about offending others.

In the end, be careful about being part of the censor police. Today you are the judge on what has to be censored because it is offensive, but one day it may turn on you.

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