Baby Crying

Baby cries when dad holds her, 6 tips on what can you do

The baby starts screaming at the top of their lungs because they need milk, a diaper change, or just because. Dad goes running to the rescue, gets to the bed, reaches, and then…… meltdown!!!! Baby cries when dad holds her. Sometimes they cry as soon as they see dad come into the room. Does this story…

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VIPKid Pay – A Guide to Getting Started

Are you looking for a legitimate side hustle? Have you ever heard of vipkid? If not, then this blog post will tell you everything that you need to know about it. It is a platform where teachers from all over the world can teach English online to students in China. The topics in this blog…

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5 Signs of Bad Parenting: Helpful Ways to Deal With Them

Parenting is not easy, and it is even more difficult when you are struggling with your own bad parenting traits. It can be a vicious cycle of trying to fix one thing but breaking something else in the process. The good news is that there are ways to stop this cycle! In this blog post…

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Marriage Pro and Cons, are You Ready

The question of whether or not to get married is one that terrifies many people. Marriage can be a great thing, but it also comes with some downfalls. For every person who says they’re struggling in their marriage, there’s another couple who say theirs is perfect. Here are the marriage pro and cons based on…

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How to Burp a Baby

New moms and dads do not worry if you cannot get your baby to burp. Sometimes, they do not swallow air and just do not need to burp.  What happens if baby doesn’t burp? Sure, you read in every baby book that you must burp your kid after feeding. The truth is, though, that if…

featured image for raising spirited kids post

The Best Strategies for Parenting Spirited Kids

Spirited kids can be a blessing to parents, but raising them can also present unique challenges that not everyone knows how to handle. Often, high-spirited children require extra attentive and emotionally attuned parenting than other children, and it’s important for parents to recognize these needs. If you’re raising a spirited child, here is what you…

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What to Expect as a New Parent

What do you say to first time parents to help them get over their fears and concerns regarding parenthood? The toughest and the scariest job is becoming a parent for the first time. New parents often find themselves asking a lot of questions, and this is normal. One fact reminds true: babies do not come…

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7 Bottle Feeding Tips

If you have a newborn infant, there are two common feeding methods–breastfeeding and bottle feeding. This article is going to focus primarily on the latter. It is going to let you know what are the steps for bottle feeding a baby. Also, you might wonder, how long should bottle feeding take? As well as how…

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Getting a Baby That Wakes Up Every Hour to Sleep Through the Night

Lack of sleep is a common nightmare for most new parents. According to a 2019 study published in the medical journal Sleep, parents often never get normal sleep until the child is six years old. The worst times for not getting any sleep were when a baby is three months old, when the baby wakes…

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Parenting Teens – An Age-Old Battle

Parenting is hard but what is the hardest age to parent? The teenage phase. Part of the struggle tends to be how long it lasts, the fact that it’s a far more relatable conversation than dealing with a screaming kid who can’t speak at all, and generational differences. Combine it with raging hormones, a massive…