Dads Life

featured image for Why Kids Should Play Sports post

Why Kids Should Play Sports

There are many reasons why kids should play sports. Playing a sport is an important part of a child’s development. Whether it be at the professional, college, or high school level; playing sports can teach children many life skills and help them build their self-esteem. Playing sports teaches children about teamwork, discipline, focus, and dealing…

featured image for Why are Kids so Loud post

Why are Kids so Loud

Why are kids so loud? They always seem to be yelling, screaming, and laughing–sometimes at the same time! It’s not just that they have an abundance of energy; there’s actually a good reason for their vocalizations. Kids have been shown to be more vocal than adults because of the resonating chambers in their skulls which…

featured image for why a child should pick their own bedtime post

Why a Child Should Pick Their Own Bedtime

Children need to learn the why behind the things we as parents demand they do. It may sound strange but going to sleep does fall into the category of things we need to more times than not force our kids to do. If you don’t let them learn the consequences of staying up too late,…

featured image for Gentle Parenting post

Gentle Parenting, What is it and Why

Parenting is the hardest job in the world. It’s also one of the most rewarding (even when you’re exhausted and frustrated). But, it can be really hard to know what style will work best for your family. Some parents are strict disciplinarians who believe that kids need to behave or else they’ll end up delinquent. Other…

featured image for Why Parents Should Not Choose Their Child's Career post

Why Parents Should Not Choose Their Child’s Career, or Should They

Parents can have a lot of influence on their children. They are the ones who teach them, feed them, and support them. Sometimes they also choose their children’s career path for them. In some cases this could be a good idea… but what if it isn’t? What if your child has other plans in mind?…

Self Parenting featured image

Self Parenting: What is it and How do I Do It?

I’m not a psychologist, but I am the father of three girls and a boy. Self parenting is a term that I’ve been hearing more and more these days so I wanted to explain it from a father’s perspective. Self parenting is when you take care of yourself as though you were your own parent….

Baby Crying

Baby cries when dad holds her, 6 tips on what can you do

The baby starts screaming at the top of their lungs because they need milk, a diaper change, or just because. Dad goes running to the rescue, gets to the bed, reaches, and then…… meltdown!!!! Baby cries when dad holds her. Sometimes they cry as soon as they see dad come into the room. Does this story…

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5 Signs of Bad Parenting: Helpful Ways to Deal With Them

Parenting is not easy, and it is even more difficult when you are struggling with your own bad parenting traits. It can be a vicious cycle of trying to fix one thing but breaking something else in the process. The good news is that there are ways to stop this cycle! In this blog post…

featured image for Marriage Pro and Cons

Marriage Pro and Cons, are You Ready

The question of whether or not to get married is one that terrifies many people. Marriage can be a great thing, but it also comes with some downfalls. For every person who says they’re struggling in their marriage, there’s another couple who say theirs is perfect. Here are the marriage pro and cons based on…

featured image for how to burp a baby that's hard to burp post

How to Burp a Baby

New moms and dads do not worry if you cannot get your baby to burp. Sometimes, they do not swallow air and just do not need to burp.  What happens if baby doesn’t burp? Sure, you read in every baby book that you must burp your kid after feeding. The truth is, though, that if…